Analysis of mass spectrometry data with t.test, lm or limma.
# load data
ms_data <- read.table("data_massspec/elife-56325-supp1-v1.txt", header = T, row.names = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
DomA_c_1_mean DomA_c_2_mean DomA_c_3_mean DomB_c_1_mean
A0A0B4JCZ0 30.07340 28.10453 30.76833 29.19630
A0A0B4JD97 26.56143 29.04703 27.66783 28.51773
A0A0B4JDG4 26.90077 27.31623 26.88430 27.35533
A0A0B4K5Z8 27.83300 26.35150 27.51597 25.59287
A0A0B4K651 26.55867 26.90197 26.92103 26.23967
# convert protein ids to gene names
gene_names <- mapIds(x =, keys = gsub("\\;.*","", rownames(ms_data)),
keytype = "UNIPROT", column = "SYMBOL", multiVals = "first")
# setup conditions
my_conditions <- factor(gsub("_.*","",colnames(ms_data)))
[1] DomA DomA DomA DomB DomB DomB CTRL CTRL CTRL
Levels: CTRL DomA DomB
# setup comparisons
my_comparisons <- list(c(levels(my_conditions)[2], levels(my_conditions)[1]),
c(levels(my_conditions)[3], levels(my_conditions)[1]),
c(levels(my_conditions)[2], levels(my_conditions)[3]))
[1] "DomA" "CTRL"
[1] "DomB" "CTRL"
[1] "DomA" "DomB"
for(j in seq_along(my_comparisons)){
res_ttest <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(ms_data), ncol = 2),
row.names = rownames(ms_data))
for(i in 1:nrow(ms_data)){
fit <- t.test(x = ms_data[i, my_conditions == my_comparisons[[j]][1]],
y = ms_data[i, my_conditions == my_comparisons[[j]][2]],
var.equal = TRUE)
res_ttest[i,1] <- fit$estimate[1] - fit$estimate[2]
res_ttest[i,2] <- fit$p.value
rm(list = "fit")
my_comparison_name <- paste(my_comparisons[[j]], collapse = "vs")
colnames(res_ttest) <- c(paste0("coef_",my_comparison_name),
res_ttest$gene_name <- gene_names
assign(paste0("res_ttest_", my_comparison_name), res_ttest)
rm(list = "res_ttest")
coef_DomAvsCTRL pval_DomAvsCTRL gene_name
A0A0B4JCZ0 -0.1522889 0.86138949 CG42668
A0A0B4JD97 -1.1075667 0.20122473 tacc
A0A0B4JDG4 0.4864667 0.21138652 pre-mod(mdg4)-V
A0A0B4K5Z8 0.1355333 0.89152875 Sec23
A0A0B4K651 1.0487889 0.14619876 Best1
A0A0B4K6E6 1.1618556 0.06399887 CG17734
for(j in seq_along(my_comparisons)){
res_lm <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(ms_data), ncol = 2),
row.names = rownames(ms_data))
for(i in 1:nrow(ms_data)){
y <- as.numeric(ms_data[i,])
my_conditions <- relevel(relevel(my_conditions, ref = my_comparisons[[j]][1]), ref = my_comparisons[[j]][2])
fit <- lm(y ~ my_conditions)
res_lm[i,1] <- coef(summary(fit))[2,1]
res_lm[i,2] <- coef(summary(fit))[2,4]
my_comparison_name <- paste(my_comparisons[[j]], collapse = "vs")
colnames(res_lm) <- c(paste0("coef_",my_comparison_name),
res_lm$gene_name <- gene_names
assign(paste0("res_lm_", my_comparison_name), res_lm)
rm(list = "res_lm")
coef_DomAvsCTRL pval_DomAvsCTRL gene_name
A0A0B4JCZ0 -0.1522889 0.8385450 CG42668
A0A0B4JD97 -1.1075667 0.1268511 tacc
A0A0B4JDG4 0.4864667 0.1528289 pre-mod(mdg4)-V
A0A0B4K5Z8 0.1355333 0.8953270 Sec23
A0A0B4K651 1.0487889 0.2617120 Best1
A0A0B4K6E6 1.1618556 0.0280833 CG17734
for(j in seq_along(my_comparisons)){
res_limma <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(ms_data), ncol = 2),
row.names = rownames(ms_data))
design <- model.matrix( ~ 0 + my_conditions)
colnames(design) <- levels(my_conditions)
my_comparison <- paste(my_comparisons[[j]], collapse = "-")
my_contrast <- makeContrasts(my_comparison, levels = design)
fit <- eBayes(, design), my_contrast))
res_limma[,1] <- as.numeric(fit$coefficients)
res_limma[,2] <- as.numeric(fit$p.value)
rm(list = "fit")
my_comparison_name <- paste(my_comparisons[[j]], collapse = "vs")
colnames(res_limma) <- c(paste0("coef_",my_comparison_name),
res_limma$gene_name <- gene_names
assign(paste0("res_limma_", my_comparison_name), res_limma)
rm(list = "res_limma")
coef_DomAvsCTRL pval_DomAvsCTRL gene_name
A0A0B4JCZ0 -0.1522889 0.81184589 CG42668
A0A0B4JD97 -1.1075667 0.07543584 tacc
A0A0B4JDG4 0.4864667 0.14075893 pre-mod(mdg4)-V
A0A0B4K5Z8 0.1355333 0.87566598 Sec23
A0A0B4K651 1.0487889 0.18399592 Best1
A0A0B4K6E6 1.1618556 0.01369977 CG17734
par(mfrow=c(3,3), mar = c(4,4,0,0), oma = c(1,3,1,1), mgp = c(2,1,0) ,cex=1.25)
fav_genes <- c("dom", "Tip60", "Arp6", "ocm")
my_methods <- c("ttest","lm","limma")
for(i in seq_along(my_methods)){
my_method <- my_methods[i]
for(j in seq_along(my_comparisons)){
my_comparison_name <- paste(my_comparisons[[j]], collapse = "vs")
res_plot <- get(paste0("res_",my_method,"_", my_comparison_name))
plot(res_plot[,1], -log10(res_plot[,2]),
xlim = c(-10,10), ylim = c(0,12),
ylab = "-log10 p-value",
xlab = gsub("vs", " vs ", my_comparison_name),
pch = 19, col = "grey", cex = 0.25)
my_sign <- p.adjust(res_plot[,2], method = "BH") < 0.05
pch = 19, col = "darkred", cex = 0.75)
my_labeled <- res_plot$gene_name %in% fav_genes
pch = 19, col = "black", cex = 0.25)
col = "black", adj = c(0.5,-0.25), cex = 0.8)
legend("topleft", legend = c("all","fdr < 0.05", "labeled"),
pch = 19, col = c("grey", "darkred", "black"), pt.cex = c(0.5,1,0.5))
if(j == 1){
mtext(my_method, side = 2, line = 3.5, cex =1.5, font = 2)
compared to lm
or limma
or lm
(e.g. ocm, false positive?)limma
gives a “better separated” volcano plot.If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.
For attribution, please cite this work as
Schauer (2020, Sept. 24). CompBioMethods: A comparison of statistical methods for analyzing mass spectrometry data. Retrieved from
BibTeX citation
@misc{schauer2020a, author = {Schauer, Tamas}, title = {CompBioMethods: A comparison of statistical methods for analyzing mass spectrometry data}, url = {}, year = {2020} }