A comparison of statistical methods for analyzing mass spectrometry data

Analysis of mass spectrometry data with t.test, lm or limma.

Tamas Schauer https://github.com/tschauer (LMU - Biomedical Center)https://www.compbio.bmc.med.uni-muenchen.de/about_us/people/index.html

Table of Contents

Data Description


# load data
ms_data <- read.table("data_massspec/elife-56325-supp1-v1.txt", header = T, row.names = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


           DomA_c_1_mean DomA_c_2_mean DomA_c_3_mean DomB_c_1_mean
A0A0B4JCZ0      30.07340      28.10453      30.76833      29.19630
A0A0B4JD97      26.56143      29.04703      27.66783      28.51773
A0A0B4JDG4      26.90077      27.31623      26.88430      27.35533
A0A0B4K5Z8      27.83300      26.35150      27.51597      25.59287
A0A0B4K651      26.55867      26.90197      26.92103      26.23967

# convert protein ids to gene names
gene_names <- mapIds(x = org.Dm.eg.db, keys = gsub("\\;.*","", rownames(ms_data)), 
                     keytype = "UNIPROT", column = "SYMBOL", multiVals = "first")

# setup conditions
my_conditions <- factor(gsub("_.*","",colnames(ms_data)))

[1] DomA DomA DomA DomB DomB DomB CTRL CTRL CTRL
Levels: CTRL DomA DomB

# setup comparisons
my_comparisons <- list(c(levels(my_conditions)[2], levels(my_conditions)[1]),
                       c(levels(my_conditions)[3], levels(my_conditions)[1]),
                       c(levels(my_conditions)[2], levels(my_conditions)[3]))

[1] "DomA" "CTRL"

[1] "DomB" "CTRL"

[1] "DomA" "DomB"

Students t-test

for(j in seq_along(my_comparisons)){
      res_ttest <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(ms_data), ncol = 2),
                              row.names = rownames(ms_data))
      for(i in 1:nrow(ms_data)){
            fit <-  t.test(x = ms_data[i, my_conditions == my_comparisons[[j]][1]], 
                           y = ms_data[i, my_conditions == my_comparisons[[j]][2]], 
                           var.equal = TRUE)
            res_ttest[i,1] <- fit$estimate[1] - fit$estimate[2]
            res_ttest[i,2] <- fit$p.value
            rm(list = "fit")
      my_comparison_name <- paste(my_comparisons[[j]], collapse = "vs")
      colnames(res_ttest) <- c(paste0("coef_",my_comparison_name),
      res_ttest$gene_name <- gene_names
      assign(paste0("res_ttest_", my_comparison_name), res_ttest)
      rm(list = "res_ttest")


           coef_DomAvsCTRL pval_DomAvsCTRL       gene_name
A0A0B4JCZ0      -0.1522889      0.86138949         CG42668
A0A0B4JD97      -1.1075667      0.20122473            tacc
A0A0B4JDG4       0.4864667      0.21138652 pre-mod(mdg4)-V
A0A0B4K5Z8       0.1355333      0.89152875           Sec23
A0A0B4K651       1.0487889      0.14619876           Best1
A0A0B4K6E6       1.1618556      0.06399887         CG17734

Linear model with lm

for(j in seq_along(my_comparisons)){
      res_lm <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(ms_data), ncol = 2),
                           row.names = rownames(ms_data))
      for(i in 1:nrow(ms_data)){
            y <- as.numeric(ms_data[i,])
            my_conditions <- relevel(relevel(my_conditions, ref = my_comparisons[[j]][1]), ref = my_comparisons[[j]][2])
            fit <- lm(y ~ my_conditions)
            res_lm[i,1] <- coef(summary(fit))[2,1]
            res_lm[i,2] <- coef(summary(fit))[2,4]
      my_comparison_name <- paste(my_comparisons[[j]], collapse = "vs")
      colnames(res_lm) <- c(paste0("coef_",my_comparison_name),
      res_lm$gene_name <- gene_names
      assign(paste0("res_lm_", my_comparison_name), res_lm)
      rm(list = "res_lm")


           coef_DomAvsCTRL pval_DomAvsCTRL       gene_name
A0A0B4JCZ0      -0.1522889       0.8385450         CG42668
A0A0B4JD97      -1.1075667       0.1268511            tacc
A0A0B4JDG4       0.4864667       0.1528289 pre-mod(mdg4)-V
A0A0B4K5Z8       0.1355333       0.8953270           Sec23
A0A0B4K651       1.0487889       0.2617120           Best1
A0A0B4K6E6       1.1618556       0.0280833         CG17734

Linear model with limma


for(j in seq_along(my_comparisons)){
      res_limma <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(ms_data), ncol = 2),
                              row.names = rownames(ms_data))
      design <- model.matrix( ~ 0 + my_conditions) 
      colnames(design) <- levels(my_conditions)
      my_comparison <- paste(my_comparisons[[j]], collapse = "-")
      my_contrast <- makeContrasts(my_comparison, levels = design)
      fit <- eBayes(contrasts.fit(lmFit(ms_data, design), my_contrast))
      res_limma[,1] <- as.numeric(fit$coefficients)
      res_limma[,2] <- as.numeric(fit$p.value)
      rm(list = "fit")
      my_comparison_name <- paste(my_comparisons[[j]], collapse = "vs")
      colnames(res_limma) <- c(paste0("coef_",my_comparison_name),
      res_limma$gene_name <- gene_names
      assign(paste0("res_limma_", my_comparison_name), res_limma)
      rm(list = "res_limma")


           coef_DomAvsCTRL pval_DomAvsCTRL       gene_name
A0A0B4JCZ0      -0.1522889      0.81184589         CG42668
A0A0B4JD97      -1.1075667      0.07543584            tacc
A0A0B4JDG4       0.4864667      0.14075893 pre-mod(mdg4)-V
A0A0B4K5Z8       0.1355333      0.87566598           Sec23
A0A0B4K651       1.0487889      0.18399592           Best1
A0A0B4K6E6       1.1618556      0.01369977         CG17734

Volcano Plots

par(mfrow=c(3,3), mar = c(4,4,0,0), oma = c(1,3,1,1), mgp = c(2,1,0) ,cex=1.25)

fav_genes <- c("dom", "Tip60", "Arp6", "ocm")
my_methods <- c("ttest","lm","limma")

for(i in seq_along(my_methods)){
      my_method <- my_methods[i]
      for(j in seq_along(my_comparisons)){
            my_comparison_name <- paste(my_comparisons[[j]], collapse = "vs")
            res_plot <- get(paste0("res_",my_method,"_", my_comparison_name))
            plot(res_plot[,1], -log10(res_plot[,2]),
                 xlim = c(-10,10), ylim = c(0,12),
                 ylab = "-log10 p-value",
                 xlab = gsub("vs", " vs ", my_comparison_name), 
                 pch = 19, col = "grey", cex = 0.25)
            my_sign <- p.adjust(res_plot[,2], method = "BH") < 0.05
                   pch = 19, col = "darkred", cex = 0.75)
            my_labeled <- res_plot$gene_name %in% fav_genes
                   pch = 19, col = "black", cex = 0.25)
                 col = "black", adj = c(0.5,-0.25), cex = 0.8)
            legend("topleft", legend = c("all","fdr < 0.05", "labeled"),
                   pch = 19, col = c("grey", "darkred", "black"), pt.cex = c(0.5,1,0.5))
            if(j == 1){
                  mtext(my_method, side = 2, line = 3.5, cex =1.5, font = 2)



If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.


For attribution, please cite this work as

Schauer (2020, Sept. 24). CompBioMethods: A comparison of statistical methods for analyzing mass spectrometry data. Retrieved from https://tschauer.github.io/blog/posts/2020-09-24-mass-spec-analysis-with-ttest-lm-or-limma/

BibTeX citation

  author = {Schauer, Tamas},
  title = {CompBioMethods: A comparison of statistical methods for analyzing mass spectrometry data},
  url = {https://tschauer.github.io/blog/posts/2020-09-24-mass-spec-analysis-with-ttest-lm-or-limma/},
  year = {2020}