qPCR Data


  • Comparison of expression changes in chromatin remodelling mutants
  • Two mutations and double mutant were investigated
  • One target gene and control gene were measured by RT-qPCR
# insert data
df <- data.frame(genotype = c("WT", "WT", "WT",  "mut1", "mut1", "mut1",  "mut2", "mut2", "mut2",  "doublemut", "doublemut", "doublemut"),
                 control_gene = c(143.2632804, 143.2016045, 121.5441674,  120.8509654, 135.2941841, 146.6159225,  147.3569572, 159.5510244, 41.53608903,  112.2483313, 145.9524333, 142.2499418),
                 target_gene = c(0.045530984, 0.029892154, 0.018934757,  0.057283056, 0.053640269, 0.072897732,  0.235321652, 0.2810932, 0.067345158,  0.1904679, 0.271456991, 0.158710149)

##     genotype control_gene target_gene
## 1         WT    143.26328  0.04553098
## 2         WT    143.20160  0.02989215
## 3         WT    121.54417  0.01893476
## 4       mut1    120.85097  0.05728306
## 5       mut1    135.29418  0.05364027
## 6       mut1    146.61592  0.07289773
## 7       mut2    147.35696  0.23532165
## 8       mut2    159.55102  0.28109320
## 9       mut2     41.53609  0.06734516
## 10 doublemut    112.24833  0.19046790
## 11 doublemut    145.95243  0.27145699
## 12 doublemut    142.24994  0.15871015

Calculate log2 Fold Change

# target gene vs control gene
df$diff <- log2(df$target_gene) - log2(df$control_gene)

# either way is the same
cbind(log2(df$target_gene) - log2(df$control_gene),
      log2(df$target_gene / df$control_gene))
##             [,1]       [,2]
##  [1,] -11.619533 -11.619533
##  [2,] -12.225993 -12.225993
##  [3,] -12.648156 -12.648156
##  [4,] -11.042833 -11.042833
##  [5,] -11.300496 -11.300496
##  [6,] -10.973880 -10.973880
##  [7,]  -9.290465  -9.290465
##  [8,]  -9.148754  -9.148754
##  [9,]  -9.268575  -9.268575
## [10,]  -9.202930  -9.202930
## [11,]  -9.070559  -9.070559
## [12,]  -9.807818  -9.807818

Data Distribution

Normality test

# test whether it is significantly different from normal distribution
shapiro.test(x = df$diff)
##  Shapiro-Wilk normality test
## data:  df$diff
## W = 0.87117, p-value = 0.06763
# visual inspection

Variance homogeneity test

# test whether group variances are different

leveneTest(diff ~ genotype, data = df) 
## Levene's Test for Homogeneity of Variance (center = median)
##       Df F value Pr(>F)
## group  3  0.9722 0.4522
##        8

Test for Differences

Fit Anova model

# if assumptions are met fit anova
fit <- aov(formula = diff ~ genotype, data = df)

##             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)    
## genotype     3 18.089   6.030   52.74 1.29e-05 ***
## Residuals    8  0.915   0.114                     
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

PostHoc Tukey Test

# if anova test is significant perform multiple pair-wise comparisons
test <- TukeyHSD(fit, ordered = TRUE)

##   Tukey multiple comparisons of means
##     95% family-wise confidence level
##     factor levels have been ordered
## Fit: aov(formula = diff ~ genotype, data = df)
## $genotype
##                     diff        lwr      upr     p adj
## mut1-WT        1.0588244  0.1747417 1.942907 0.0207992
## doublemut-WT   2.8041249  1.9200422 3.688208 0.0000352
## mut2-WT        2.9286292  2.0445465 3.812712 0.0000255
## doublemut-mut1 1.7453005  0.8612179 2.629383 0.0010280
## mut2-mut1      1.8698048  0.9857221 2.753887 0.0006448
## mut2-doublemut 0.1245043 -0.7595784 1.008587 0.9675757


Mean Difference

# plot mean differences with 95% confidence intervals

plot(test, las=1)

  • Conclusions: all mutants are significantly different from wild-type. Mutation 2 and double mutant are significantly different from mutation 1 but not from each other. This suggests an epistatic genetic interaction between the two mutation on the target gene.





Data Source

The dataset was provided by Magdalena Murawska (LMU, BMC, Ladurner group)